

Become a member of our cigar lounge and receive exclusive benefits such as personal humidor lockers and discounts on cigars and accessories.

Cigar Lounge Memberships

Choose a membership package that works for you.

Locker members are entitled to:

  • 10% discount on all purchases
  • $20 discount before taxes on purchases of $200 or more on cigars and accessories
  • $10 discount before taxes on purchases of $199 or less on cigars and accessories
  • access to personal locker that is humidity controlled and maintained
  • personalized nameplate to identify each member locker
(FREE) Walk-Ins Welcome

Walk-ins are welcome to come in and enjoy our lounge. When you purchase a cigar at Long Island Cigar you can enjoy our comfortable 70 seat lounge equipped with 10 high definition TVs. But a membership has its perks.

Small Cigar Locker $450 Annually

Double Cigar Locker $850 Annually

Long Island Cigar Lounge

4775 Sunrise Hwy North Service Rd
Bohemia, NY 11716

(631) 750-6800

Hours of Operation

We're Open 7 Days A Week
Monday-Sunday 10AM-12AM

Surgeon General's Warning