About AJ Fernandez Cigars
AJ Fernandez cigars are highly regarded in the cigar world for their exceptional quality and unique flavor profiles. AJ Fernandez is a third-generation cigar maker whose family has been involved in the cigar industry for over 100 years. Today, he is known as one of the most innovative and respected cigar makers in the world.
AJ Fernandez’s cigar blends are crafted with the finest tobaccos from the most prestigious growing regions in the world, including Nicaragua, Honduras, and Ecuador. Each cigar is expertly rolled and carefully aged to create a flavor that is both complex and well-balanced.
One of the most popular AJ Fernandez cigars is the New World series, which has won numerous awards and accolades. The New World blend features a Nicaraguan wrapper, a binder from Jalapa, and a blend of Ometepe, Condega, and Esteli filler tobaccos. This creates a medium to full-bodied smoke with a creamy, smooth finish.
Another standout from AJ Fernandez is the Enclave Habano line, which features a Habano wrapper from Ecuador, a Cameroon binder, and a blend of Nicaraguan and Piloto Cubano filler tobaccos. This combination results in a unique flavor profile that is both spicy and sweet, with notes of chocolate and espresso.
AJ Fernandez also offers a variety of limited edition and special release cigars, such as the AJ Fernandez Last Call, which features a Pennsylvania Broadleaf wrapper, and the AJ Fernandez San Lotano Oval, which has a unique oval shape that enhances the smoking experience.
Overall, AJ Fernandez cigars are known for their exceptional quality and unique flavor profiles. Whether you’re a seasoned cigar aficionado or just starting to explore the world of cigars, AJ Fernandez is definitely a brand worth trying.
AJ Fernandez at Long Island Cigars
Long Island Cigars Has The Following AJ Fernandez Products:
AJ Fernandez New World Oscuro Robusto 5.5 x 55
AJ Fernandez New World Oscuro Toro 6.5 x56
AJ Fernandez Requiem 6×54 Toro
AJ Fernandez San Lotano Requiem 6×60 Gran Toro
AJ Fernandez The Bull Gordos 6×60
AJ Fernandez The Bull Robusto 5×54
AJ Fernandez The Bull Torpedo 6 1\2×54
AJ Fernandez Viva La Vida Club 500 Box Press 6×60
AJ Fernandez Viva La Vida Jester 5 pack 6.5×56
AJ Fernandez Viva LA Vida Robusto 5×50
AJ Fernandez Viva LA Vida Torpedo 6.5×54
Long Island Cigar Lounge
4775 Sunrise Hwy North Service Rd
Bohemia, NY 11716
(631) 750-6800
Hours of Operation
We're Open 7 Days A Week
Monday-Sunday 10AM-12AM